I was corrected recently on this that they are not a Satire though, I couldn't image how it would feel if someone thought my religion was just a joke. Until recently, I thought Catholicism was a Satire of Witchcraft as they chant and worship fallen believers of their faith called Saints just like the Witches did. Some religious types were saying that ID is just as valid as evolution so it should be taught as an alternative. Many people believe this a satire religion but its a firm belief in many homes across the world. The Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster was invented by some atheists specifically to counter the attempts to sneak intelligent design into school science classes. We have evidence of his exists through the word of mouth tales from when he gave the responsibility of keeping the faith strong to the Pirates. (They must have first completed at least a few of them to become familiar with this world.) They will first have processed their previous life. The meatballs are representations of the Physical Realm of matter and the Anti-Physical realm of Anti-matter. A spirit will transfer to the angel realm for the experience of being a messenger when they are between physical lifetimes. The noodly appendages relate to string theory and how all things in this universe are precieved as strings of waves. He is not a monster he is a God as he created the universe on a whim. Lindsay Miller of Lowell, Massachusetts, is a Pastafarian. Thank you for your cooperation and May You Be Touched by His Noodly Appendage.
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The flying Spaghetti monster is how humans perceive his image. A woman who belongs to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was allowed to wear a colander on her head in a driver’s license photo after her original bid to do so was denied. We, the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, are not a litigious group but of course we, along with the ACLU and others, have an interest in defending the individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and the laws of the United States. I notice from the statistics that not a single pastafarian has died of COVID-19. (of whatever shade) are and have always been dangerous.